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Türkiye and the New Silk Road: A Bridge between East and West

The Silk Road, an ancient trade route linking the East to the West, is reemerging on the global stage through China's "Belt and Road" initiative. At the heart of this revival, Türkiye holds a strategic position as a bridge between Asia and Europe.

Geostrategic Position: Situated at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, Türkiye boasts an ideal location to facilitate trade and transport between the East and West. Its position allows for the creation of essential logistical corridors, such as the Marmaray tunnel in Istanbul that connects Europe to Asia beneath the Bosphorus.

Developing Infrastructure: Türkiye has heavily invested in infrastructure to support this initiative. Ports, roads, railways, and tunnels have been modernized or built from scratch to ensure smooth trade flows.

Opportunities and Challenges: Türkiye's integration into the New Silk Road offers numerous opportunities, including in terms of investments, trade, and cultural cooperation. However, it also brings challenges, concerning competition, environmental standards, and diplomatic relations.


With its unique geographical position and investments in infrastructure, Türkiye is poised to play a central role in the New Silk Road. By cultivating strong relations with partner countries and adeptly navigating geopolitical complexities, it can establish itself as a key player in this global initiative.



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